Monday, September 20, 2010


And now for the moment the 3 of you have been waiting for. Here is my list of the top 10 movies of the last decade. After starting this list over 8 months ago, i'm finally ready to finish it.

10.  Little Children (Todd Field 2006)

Much like the characters in the movie, the viewer is constantly jumping from happiness to sadness and then to dread of what might happen next. This tale of envy makes you feel like a fly on the wall of these people's lives. The characters are very real and their story is very heartbreaking.

09.  American Psycho (Mary Harron 2000)

The novel by Bret Easton Ellis was for a long time considered unfilmable. Leave it to a women to perfectly capture Patrick Bateman on the big screen. This psycho thriller blends elements of horror, satire, and black comedy perfectly.

08. A beautiful Mind (Ron Howard 2001)

For some reason many people like to hate on this movie. They don't feel like it deserved the Oscars or other awards it won. I fucking love this damn movie and if you don't like it than screw you.

07. Requiem For A Dream (Darren Aronofsky 2000)
It's a strange coincidence that Jennifer Connelly is in three of the movies on this list. I guess she does a lot of good movies. Anyway, This movie should be shown in schools. I cannot think of anything that would deter kids from using drugs more than seeing this film. This film is as beautiful as it is terrifying. I'm so happy that Darren Aronofsky exists and is allowed to make movies.

06. Donnie Darko (Richard Kelly 2001)
It's very rare you find a movie that has a very polarizing effect on people. Either they loved it or they think it's fucking stupid. But with a kick ass soundtrack and a crazy sci-fi plot I think it's fantastic. It's a shame that Richard Kelly hasn't been able to make a good movie since.

05. Punch Drunk Love (Paul Thomas Anderson 2002)
Paul Thomas Anderson makes it very difficult to hate his movies. PDL is a perfect love story between a couple awkward yet real people. This movie is best re-watched many times. I swear you will notice different things every time you watch it. P.T purposely put crazy shit in the background that most people wouldn't notice the first viewing.

04. There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson 2007)
And speaking of Paul Thomas Anderson. "I am a false prophet; God is a superstition" and "I drink your milkshake." are two quotes from one of the most memorable scene in movie history.

03. Zodiac (David Fincher 2007)
This movie is so freaking cool. This edge of your seat murder mystery is based on true events. The only downside is the fact that they never actually caught the guy. They have a viable suspect in the end but no one is certain that he is the 'Zodiac' killer.

02. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry 2004)
I love this movie in every way possible. It is perfectly written, directed, acted and everything else. Eternal Sunshine changed my life and forever changed how I connect to movies.

01. Children of Men (Alfonso CuarĂ³n 2006)
From start to finish Children of Men is absolutely amazing. The bleak world of the not too distant future is perfectly captured. It would be very difficult to find a movie that is better filmed. How many other film makers can pull off a 7 minute single shot action sequence.  My hat goes off to Cuaron and every person involved in making this movie.  They have truly made a masterpiece.


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