Atomic Martians Toy Reviews Episode 16 - Zombie Ate My Reviewers

Check out our newest episode

Q&A With Smash Tokyo Toys

Matt from Smash Tokyo Toys was gracious enough to take time out of his busy schedule and answer a few questions for us. Read the interview after the jump.

Sideshow 12" Cobra Viper

First Look at Sideshow Collectibles new G.I. Joe Figure

Zombie Chuck is Ready to Order

Visit to order these and other Zombie Chuck merchandise

Toy Fair 2011 - Mezco's Scott Pilgrim Figures

I've been trying to post stuff from Toy Fair but i'm a little overwhelmed with all of the great things coming out. Here are some pics of the Scott Pilgrim figs coming out this spring.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Top 50 Movies of the Decade

Every couple days I will be adding to my list of the top 50 movies I have seen this decade. Every movie has come out this decade and I have seen each one. I'm sure there are some movies that are amazing and I probably should have seen them but I didn't so they are not on the list. Feel free to discuss

50. 300 (Zack Snyder 2006)

A very well filmed and edited action flick. A must see for anyone who is a fan of big fight scenes and digitally rendered six packs.

49. Borat (Larry Charles 2006)

For the simple fact that I don't remember laughing so hard in a theater, this film made it on my list. It is by far one of the funniest movies that has been made in any decade. This movie made Sacha Baron Cohen a house hold name for better or for worse.

48. Tropic Thunder (Ben Stiller 2008)

With the best ensemble cast put together this decade, this movie is an instant classic. Not only is it one of Ben Stiller's best movies, but it also helped revitalize both Robert Downey Jr and Tom Cruise's career.

47. The Wrestler (Darren Aronofsky 2008)

you can tell by watching this movie that Mickey Rourke understood and identified with his character more than most actors could. This extremely depressing film about addiction and obsession shows that very rarely life has a fairy tale ending.

46. Slumdog Millionaire (Danny Boyle 2008)

The first Danny Boyle movie to appear on my list and definitely not the last. Slumdog is a fun and entertaining fairy tale about love and overcoming diversity.

45. X-Men 2 (Bryan Singer 2003)

The best out of all of the X-Men films and one of the best comic book movies made. Very well directed and acted, this movie raised the bar on comic book adapted films and led the way for movies like The Dark Knight.

44. The Incredibles (Brad Bird 2004)

My personal favorite Pixar movie and one of the few animated movies on my list. pixar proves they can make movies for kids and adults with this gem.

43. The Fountain (Darren Aronofsky 2006)

As beautiful as it is gutwrenching this love story about the Fountain of Youth show's that love will drive a man to sacrifice anything in order to preserve it.

42. Moon (Duncan Jones 2009)

First time director Duncan Jones hit the ball out of the park with this sci fi Thriller staring Sam Rockwell. Rockwell does an amazing job playing multiple versions of the same character and Jones does an amazing job displaying how a human being can break down after years of isolation.

41. Zombieland (Ruben Fleischer 2009)

This movie was way too much fun to not include in this list. Even if the media has been over saturated with Zombie stuff, i'm completely fine with this movie being the peak of zombiploitation this decade.

40. The Mist (Frank Darabont 2007)

This Stephen King instant classic shows that many times people can be more terrifying than monsters. A cool social tale mixed in with sci fi creatures makes this movie one of the scariest films of the decade.

39. Dear Zachary: A Letter to a son about his father (Kurt Kuenne 2008)

The first documentary on the list, Dear Zachary is one of the most depressing and upsetting movies I have ever seen. I hope that no other movie ever makes me cry more than I did the first viewing of this film. Very well edited with a gut wrenching story you will never forget.

38. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Joel Coen 2000)

The Coen brother's adaptation of Homer's Odyssey is a beautiful depiction of the south during the great depression. Besides the witty plot, the movie is well acted and directed. It's not only one of the most memorable Coen Brothers films, it's also one of their best.

37. Amelie (Jean-Pierre Jeunet 2001)

If you can't tell already, i'm a sucker for fantastic cinematography. Since this film came out in 2001 it has been copied over and over by other film makers. It's very difficult to beat the over all beauty of this film. Making it a instant art house classic.

36. District 9 (Neill Blomkamp 2009)

Take South African history, add aliens, a spaceship, and some of the most badass guns you will ever see. Film all of that in a mock documentary style on a 30 million dollar budget and you get District 9. An over the top, action packed, sci-fi fan's wet dream.

35. The Departed (Martin Scorsese 2006)

Scorsese's main contribution to this decade is a remake of the equally impressive Hong Kong flick Infernal Affairs. This cops and robbers drama has so many twists and turns your head will spin. It also has one of the most shocking endings seen in a film this decade.

34. Sin City (Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller 2005)

Everything about this movie is just bad ass. With a never before seen style and a fantastic cast, this film rocks from the first second to the last. In ten years I hope to be writing about how awesome the sequel was.

33. Sunshine (Danny Boyle 2007)

Danny Boyle's movie about a space crew sent on a mission to reactivate the sun before it fizzles out and destroys earth is a fantastic and well film piece of sci fi art. Fox essentially buried this movie. Even with a lackluster ending, this movie still delivers an intense and wonderful story.

32. Munich (Steven Spielberg 2005)

This movie is essentially two and a half hours of Jews kicking ass and taking names. Eric Bana and Daniel Craig are both fantastic and Spielberg does a great job showing how horrible and sad the Munich Massacre was.

31. Let the Right One In (Tomas Alfredson 2008)

The only Vampire movie actually worth a shit that has come out this decade. This amazing coming of age story is about to be bastardized and ruined by American film makers later next year.

30. 28 Days Later... (Danny Boyle, 2002)

The Danny Boyle trifecta is complete. This modern day retelling of Night of the Living Dead helped usher in the zombie craze that has taken over this decade.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I fucking Hate Hollywood...
This article in really pisses me off. I can't believe Hollywood would stoop so low to re-boot Buffy The Vampire Slayer then to not allow Joss Whedon the chance to write it. HE WROTE THE FUCKING ORIGINAL!!! He created the characters. Besides, what is soooo wrong with the original movie that they feel the need to reboot it?? ARGH!!! Those producers are freaking retards.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009


This movie looks awesome

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So Chris Allen wins American Idol. Evangelical homophobes breathed a sigh of relieve all over the country last night.

I'm not surprised he won and honestly, I really don't have anything against the guy, but it's obvious who has more talent out of the two.

I just can't see Chris Allen making any music that will appeal to anyone other than yuppy college kids. I'm sure his CD will be played at many Frat parties as a nice break from Dave Matthews or James Blunt. Just more generic mainstream bullshit to cover up the sounds of beer pong and date rape.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Holy Frak!! BattleStar Galactica is awesome!

I'll be the first to admit that 5 years ago when I heard the SciFi channel was remaking BSG I laughed. The mental image of the kind of nerds that would want to watch a remake of a POS 80s Star Wars ripoff show made me feel vastly superior in my dorkyness. Never would I stoop to the level of those losers.

Five years later... Myself and Dana are currently on Season 3 of the show and completely addicted. I never thought in a million years that I would be completely sucked into a show that I had such previous judgements about. The show is seriously one of the best written and acted shows we have watched. I'm proud to list it along side The Wire, Alias, Lost and Rome as my top 5 favorite modern television shows.

Wether you believe me or not, just watch the Mini-series that started the show. It has every aspect of what makes a great drama. It's not like Star Wars or Star Trek. There aren't annoying kids or CG robots running around. No lightsabers or darkside vs lightside crap. It just a war drama that happens to take place in space. Involving humans that are in many ways just like us.

American idol

Frankly I don't really care who wins American Idol this year. I think both contestants are talented but I won't buy any of their music. Basically the season ended for me 2 weeks ago when Alison was voted off. It was nice to hate on Gokey all year then see his sad face when they announced Adam had taken the final 2 spot. It's just a shame he lasted one more week than Alison. Once again i'm going to state that this is my last year watching AI. I just pray that there is something decent to watch on Tuesdays next year.

Music Review- The Horrors Primary Colours

The Horrors Primary Colors

The sophomore album from the Southend England band The Horrors is my album of the week. Having Geoff Barrow of Portishead, and the music video director Chris Cunningham as producers pretty much guarantee's a fantastic album. Add in creepy sythesizers, Ian Curtis-esqe vocals and some crazy instrumentals then you have a fucking awesome album. The very trance like sound of the first track Mirror's Image draws you in and the album ends on an equally high note with Sea within a Sea.
Honestly, I blow at writing album reviews. There a certain art to writing a review for something you can only hear and I don't have the musical knowledge to base most of my opinions on. If you are a fan of Post-Punk era Britpop (ie. Joy Division, Bloc Party, Depeche Mode) then you will most likely enjoy this album. You can tell the band and the producers really wanted to make something special with every track and they didn't just slap together 2 singles and a dozen crap songs to sucker some hipsters into blowing their money they made working at the coffee shop.


This is my first attempt at putting together a personal blog. I plan to update it regularly with reviews, news articles and random crap I decide to write down. Whether I do any of the previously stated depends on if I lose interest. Most of the reviews will be posted when I watch or listen to the item for the first time. Not everything I review is going to be current. In fact, a lot of it will be old crap that you may have watched or listened to a long time ago and i am just now enjoying myself. If you want current reviews then go to some other site where people get paid to write their ideas and views down. Maybe if someone starts sending me checks i will go see movies on opening nights and keep up with modern music.

If you don't agree with the things that I write in my blog you are more than welcome to post comments expressing your feelings at any time. Keep in mind if you are vocal about your disagreements with my views i will be secretly wishing for you to choke on a bag of dicks.


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