Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This is my first attempt at putting together a personal blog. I plan to update it regularly with reviews, news articles and random crap I decide to write down. Whether I do any of the previously stated depends on if I lose interest. Most of the reviews will be posted when I watch or listen to the item for the first time. Not everything I review is going to be current. In fact, a lot of it will be old crap that you may have watched or listened to a long time ago and i am just now enjoying myself. If you want current reviews then go to some other site where people get paid to write their ideas and views down. Maybe if someone starts sending me checks i will go see movies on opening nights and keep up with modern music.

If you don't agree with the things that I write in my blog you are more than welcome to post comments expressing your feelings at any time. Keep in mind if you are vocal about your disagreements with my views i will be secretly wishing for you to choke on a bag of dicks.


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